Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wake me up when September ends...

Highlights of the last 2 weeks:
1)Leadership training retreat; we got to hang out at Wasaga beach and I really enjoyed getting to know the team of 26 Tyndale student leaders.
2)Frosh Week: although exhausting, it was great to welcome in a bunch of new students to Tyndale and do a week of activities with them. There's a story behind each person, and I look forward to the opportunity to get to know some of them this school year.
3)LAST NIGHT I SAW BRAD PITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the Toronto Film Festival and last night was the Premiere of Brad's new movie. (yes that's right, we're on first name basis now.) A bunch of us went down to "stargaze" and found the streets lined with hundreds of people...mostly girls. Krista and I ingeniously found some rails pretty high up, at the back of the crowd. We balanaced, straddled between the two rails with one foot on each, for A WHOLE HOUR waiting for him to arrive. The cameras and papparazzi were all there, the red carpet was ready, and finally the sleek black car pulled up to the Roy Thompson Hall. Out came Brad, to the sound hundreds of people screaming his name and taking pictures. Very surreal. Brad Pitt is one human being, who neither knows or cares about anyone in the audience, yet we were all there just to see him. Not even talk to him, just simply catch a glimpse! It's scary how much the media has intensified the worship of man. We are all hungering for perfection, because we know deep inside that it exists. Sadly, many people do not acknowledge that absolute perfection is found in God, and so they look for a substitute. Physically, Brad Pitt is closer to perfection than most of us (!) and so he is elevated and "worshipped" by thousands.
(By the way, he puts on a TERRIBLE British accent!)